Sitted beside me is a man, he is
a gentle man, quite talkative. In our brief conversation he told me that he was
in Bhutan for a week on his business trip and even met some of the high
Bhutanese officials and have memorized their names too. He had names of all the
places that he have visited in Bhutan and loved visiting again
Not ending with it, he shared with me some of
the books he had read, and knowing that my interest in Philosophical volumes,
he talked about some of the nicest books he had read with some quotes of His
Holiness Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, Swami Vivekkhananda and some quotes from
Robin Sharma’s The Monk who Sold His Ferrari as well.
I enjoyed his talk, not of much
words from my side, but I gave him a listening ears and open heart. Tall and
giant man, instead of some kind of materialistic talks as usual business man
does, he shared with me all the talks that I liked as if he had already read my
While I was quietly listening to
him, a small boy crept inside and stood
begging beside me. Poor little creature, he wore a black shirt with hundreds
holes in it and a half pant that almost leaving his waist to drop on to the
floor, eyes sunken and fleshes merged inside bones and his limbs not bigger
than a stick, with some words on his vibrating lips he begged.
These are some frequent scenes in
India, but I am sure we cannot resist their request, they are poor, thrown in
street, uncared and unloved living in poverty of love in slums.
While I took my hand to pull out
my wallet to offer some penny to this poor boy, the man stopped me.
“You see man, there are thousands such children in India, one cannot
help them at all. Look he is young, his limbs are perfect, he can work to earn
his bread, but people like us tend to be so kind and indirectly spoil them. Finding
this, a way of easy earning they become lazy and unproductive, do not give, let
him work”
I was touched hearing his words
and even he started to scold him. The boy stood still now with tears rolling
down his sunken cheeks.
I have expected the man would be
more kind and being an Indian would love this poor son of India, and as well I
couldn’t take him wrong and remembered a Chinese saying “Don’t give fish but
teach him fishing”.
Joining his palms and bending to
me, he cried pouring his sorrows and said, “Who
shall in this earth give me a job?, I am Dallit, I am discarded, even if we are
met in early morning people beat us thinking we bring them the bad luck, we are
not allowed to walk the path they walk and get water from the tap from where
they take theirs. We are untouchable, what can I do? I’ll die if I do not beg
for living. My family were tortured
and assassinated by higher class
neighbours, while I escaped from that death to suffer this fate.
Perhaps in the eye of GOD we are human so I came to beg from you and I
believe one doesn’t become poor by offering a penny to a poor”.
It was unbearable, I offered him some money
and he thanked me and left quietly wiping off the tears from is checks…..
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